Well, you can always ask questions and find out about me from me. I just want to ask to keep things simple, professional and respectful. No one here owes anyone anything. Let’s be adults about what is supposed to happen here. Also, I’d like to add that I am not here to get married anytime soon or ever. Not interested to have children. I love kids, but it doesn’t mean I want one. Not here for a long distance or far away relationship. So, ladies from Armenia or Russia for that matter, unless you are planning on visiting USa or better yet staying here, I’m not going to chat endlessly about much ado nothing. Թարքմանեմ։ Հայաստանի և Ռուսաստանի կանսնց ուղսկի խնդրում եմ ժամանակ չկորցնել։ Հեռու տեղերից կապ չեմ փնտրում։ Բոլորտ էլ շատ գեղեցիկ ու հրապուրիչ էք, բայց միառ ժամանակ նաև շատ հեռու։ Եկեք ժամանակ չվատնենք։ Իհարկե եթե այցելելու էք ԱՄՆ կամ հիմնական այստեղ ապրելու, դա ուրիշ հարց։ Having sad all this. I want to add, that I am not much interested in women who claim never married, another word virgin. Nothing personal, just not interested in people who still think they have a chance to meet their knight on white horse, when in reality all they find is a horse.