Semiconductor chip have become a significant part of modern-day vehicles as they are used in various functions of the vehicles that facilitate a wide array of features. Now if I can only convey and bestrow and find a woman with natural Premium Semiconductor chip existing in or caused by nature, and not made or caused by humankind, then it'll be smooth sailing! Easy Street! How EXCITING would that be?! Life is all about EXCITEMENT, and nothing else but excitement! Excitement could be a cup of coffee for two in the morning, or I could be sitting in front of a tourquoise blue ocean dotted with palm trees, or surrounded by nature, winter, summer and/or anytime of the year. Typically, my perceived bourjousie values and conventional attitude is my home, the car I drive and beach bum vacationing, and that's it, I am happy. Simple, Isn't it? I am not looking for girls/ women who are complicated, convoluted, complexed and difficult to follow on these dating sites who have over-stretched themselves with extravagant clothing and bourjousie background. People seeking for wealth are the most miserable people. They just don't know how to get out of the monster misery that they concucted themselves. They don't know how to live a simple and a happy life. I am the happiest guy you could imagine, and BEYOND! In other words, if you want to impress me by posing like a model with a bourgeoisie background, then look elsewhere! To be precise, DO NOT like me and do not message me.